Saturday, August 10, 2013

Lebron James Says, "I Am Still Getting Better"

In His recent tour of Philippines, sponsored by Nike to boost his brand in the world, the basketball superstar, Lebron James, (28), said that he is getting better in his game.

"I am still getting better," he said. "I don't want to be the same player I was this past season, I want to come into this season a new, improved, better Lebron James.
The 2013 NBA Champions - Miami Heat

He finished by adding to his statement, "We 'll see what happens, man. But
I will come back a better player."

There is no doubt in my mind that he will get better as he said. He has improved many aspect of his game especially his three point throws. During his time with Cleveland his three pointers were very poor, but since he joined the Miami Heat, his three pointers has increased to the average of over 40 percent.

And it seem like he has been working hard during the off season to improve his game a lot. Like he said, we have to wait and see what will happen.

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