Monday, February 24, 2014

Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 Final Medal Count

The following is the final medals count of the just concluded 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. As is with every sporting event, there were winners and there were losers.

 Many hopes were dashed and many others celebrated their victories. One can safely say without any equivocation, that it was the year of small countries.

 Many small countries did very well, such as Norway which won eleven gold medals and was only second on the table to the host, Russia, which won 13 gold medals.

Another small country which did amazingly well was the Netherlands, which won eight gold medals and placed fifth on the table, a gold medal behind the mighty USA which finished fourth.

Anyway, without much ado, the following table is the final standing of the event. Read also:

Country                       Gold           Silver          Bronze          Total

1.   Russia                    13               11               9                    33

2.   Norway                  11               5                 10                  26

3.   Canada                   10               10               5                    25

4.   USA                        9                7                12                   28

5.   Netherlands            8                 7                9                     24

6.   Germany                 8                 6                5                    19

7.   Switzerland             6                 3                2                    11

8.   Belerus                    5                 0                1                    6

9.   Autstria                   4                 8                5                    17

10. France                     4                 4                7                    15

11. Poland                     4                 1                1                    6

12. China                       3                4                 2                    9

13. S. Korea                   3                3                 2                    8

14. Sweden                    2                7                 6                    15

15. Czech Rep.              2                4                 2                     8

16. Slovenia                  2                2                  4                    8

17. Japan                       1                4                  3                    8

18. Finland                    1                3                  1                    5

19. Great Britain           1                1                  2                    4

20. Ukraine                   1                0                  1                    2

21. Slovakia                  1                0                  0                    1

22. Italy                         0                2                  6                    8

23. Latvia                      0                2                  2                    4

24. Australia                 0                2                  1                     3

25. Crotia                     0                1                   0                     1

26. Kazastan                 0               0                    1                     1



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