Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bale Has Finally Joined Real Madrid

The Tottenham highly gifted and explosive winger, Gareth Bale (24), who has been the number one transfer target for Real Madrid, since summer, has finally join the famous club, on a world record deal of €100m, after a long protracted chasing and negotiation.

Speaking to the media after his signing, Gareth said, that the six years he spent at the Tottenham Hotspurs was a happy period for him, but felt that it was time for him to say goodbye to the club. He said, that he loved the special moments he had there.

"I have had six very happy years at Tottenham, but it's the right time to say goodbye. We 've had some special times together and I've loved every minute of it, he said.

"I am not sure there is ever a good time, to leave a club where I felt settled, and was playing the best football of my career to date.

Gareth Bale's introduction to Real Madrid fans
"I know many players talk of their desire, to join the club of their boyhood dreams, but I can honestly say, this is my dream come true.

"Tottenham will always be in my heart, and I'm sure this season will be a successful one for them."

"I am now looking forward, to the next exciting chapter in my life, playing football for Real Madrid.

Bale recognised the vital role, Southampton and Tottenham played in his career development, and thanked them for that.

Read: africanfootie.blogspot.com

"I am well aware, I would not be at the level I am today, were it not for first Southampton and Spurs standing by me during some of the tougher times and affording me the environment and support they have.

"I would like to thank everyone at the club, the chairman, board, staff, coaches and players, and most of all, the fantastic fans who I hope will understand this amazing career opportunity," Gareth Bale concluded.

His now former coach, Villa-Boas, fought a relentless battle to keep his star player, had no option, but to surrender to the massively over whelming financial clout of Real Madrid, and the desire of Bale to leave.

"Bale is a wonderful player. He is going to join Real Madrid, so we wish him all the best. He left us with some great memories from last season," Andres Villa-Boas, said.

And the chairman of the club, Daniel Levy, said, that the attention Real paid to Gareth, was so much, and his desire to join them was so great, that the club decided that he will not be completely commited to Spurs, if they keep him, so the club reluctantly sold him. Mr Levy said, they made their club stronger by signing seven new players.

"Such has been the attention from Real Madrid, and so great is Gareth's desire to join them, we have taken the view, that the player will not be sufficiently committed to our campaign, in the current season.

"We have therefore, with great reluctance, agreed to this sale and do so in the knowledge that we have an exceptionally strong squad to which we have added no fewer than seven top internationals," Mr Levy said.

Gareth Bale said, that his boyhood dream of playing for Real Madrid had come true, which is terrific. Without any eqivocation I can say that Gareth Bale is a very talented and skillful player. But having the talent and skill is one thing, being able to withstand the mental and emotional pressure of being a Real Madrid player is another thing.

I sincerely hope that he do very well for Real, because if he don't the ridiclously high amount he cost will be like wasted money. What do you think. Do you think he will be a success at Real Madrid? Use the comment button to register your thoughts on this. Cheers.

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