Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Samuel L. Jackson Loves Playing Golf

Samuel L. Jackson (64), the hollywood star loves to play golf so much that he had clause written in his movie contracts that he must be allowed to play the game of golf at least twice a week.

"They have to let me play at least twice a week. Generally they either move me onto a golf course or I join a club so I can play there," he told CNN.

He said in his movie database page that he is very passionate about golf as he is to acting. "To be frank, I am as passionate about golf as I am about acting."

Samuel L. Jackson
Jackson has not always like playing the game of golf, infact he would not leave the house with his friends to go and play golf. He did not have interest at the time in the game. So one day his friends tricked him and told him they were going out to somewhere else and brought him to a golf course, and he has been hooked to the game ever since.

Read: africanfootie.blogspot.com

"I had never played and they kept trying to get me to go out and I wouldn't.
They tricked me one day and told me they were going somewhere else and we ended up on a golf course," he said.

The first time Jackson played in St Andrews in Scotland, it was surprisingly with the world number one golfer, Tiger Wood, and for him it was a big deal. As a matter of fact, it will be a big deal to any amature golf player. Wood is massively gifted in the game, no doubt about that. Any true lover of the game, will like to know how it feels to play with Tiger.

"The first time I played St Andrews (in Scotland) I actually played with Tiger. That's kind of a big deal," Jackson said.

"The first time I met him I played with him at the Dunhill (championship) and I think his advice to me was 'follow me' and I actually did. I didn't hit the ball as far as he did but I kind of hit the same balls."

Samuel L. Jackson who was born in Washington has played with some other celebrities such Clint Eastwood, Don Cheadle and musician Kenny G.
He said that he played his favourite round of golf with Tiger Woods.

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