Saturday, November 2, 2013

Platini Wants World Cup Expanded

Michel Platini (58), the Uefa president has echoed the suggestion of the FIFA president Sepp Blatter (77), that the World Cup representation should be expanded with the number of countries representing Africa and Asia increased.

Platini was of the opinion, that instead of reducing the number of European representation in the tournament, the total number of participants should be increased from 32 to 40.

The former French star striker told The Times newspaper that, ''Instead  of taking away some European (representation) we have to go to 40 teams in the World Cup,'' Platini said.

He said that, ''We can add two African, two Asiatic, two American and one from Europe. I support this idea totally.''

Michel Platini  (Uefa President)

Mr Platini, who may contest FIFA Presidency against Mr Blatter in 2015, added, ''Football is changing and now we have 209 associations.''

''There are more countries, so why reduce? he asked. Forty is not so bad.

''You have three days more of the competition and you make more people happy,'' he said.

Earlier on Mr Sepp Blatter, had written in the FIFA weekly magazine that there was imbalance in the World Cup representation. He wrote that Africa and Asia are under represented. He believes that the flaw must be corrected.

Read also:

''This flawed state of affairs must be rectified. Africa the confederation with the most member associations (54), is woefully under - represented at the World cup.''

''As long as this remains the case, African sides may never win an intercontinental trophy, regardless of progress on the playing side.

''From a purely sporting perspective, I would like to see globalisation finally taken seriously and African and Asian national associations accorded the status they deserve at the FIFA World Cup.''

 ''It cannot be that the European and South American confederations lay claims to the majority of the berths at the World Cup (18 or 19 teams), because taken together, they account for significantly fewer member associations (63) than Africa and Asia (100), Blatter added.

The President of the world football governing body (FIFA), concluded by saying, ''At the end of the day an equal chance for all is the paramount imperative of elite sport.''

The suggestion of Michel Platini is not bad, except that Europe already has almost half of the current make up of the total number in the tournament(13). I think that Europe should not be given another slot, rather Africa having the biggest confederation should be given extra three instead of the two he proposed.

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