Friday, November 7, 2014


The Champions League was established in 1955 by the European football governing body, UEFA, as the European Champion Clubs' Cup for top European Leagues Champions to compete for, in order to produce a champion of the continent.

Prior to 1992 when Uefa changed the name of the competition to its current name of Champions League, it was commonly called the European Cup or European Champions Cup.

Lionel Messi of Barcelona

Before 1990 the competition was played on a knockout basis among the Champions of each country's top league.

It was at this juncture that Uefa introduced the round robin system by increasing the number of participating clubs.

More clubs that finished among the few on top of every league qualified to participate in the competition.

But the number of clubs from each country is dependent on the size and quality of their league.

For some years the Real Madrid legend Raul had the record of being the highest goal scorer at 71 goals followed by Ronaldo at 70 goals and at the 3rd position was Messi with 69 goals.

But on Wednesday, Lionel Messi scored two goals against Ajax to share the top position with Raul. Cristiano Ronaldo had fail to score in Real Madrid's game against Liverpool at the Bernabeu Stadium on Tuesday to increase his tally.

Without much ado, here are the names of the top champions league scorers under its current name.

Champions League top 10 scorers

Names                     Club/Country                       Goals

1. Raul                     Real M/Schalke/Spain         71

1. Messi                   Barcelona/Argentina            71

2. Ronaldo               Real M/ Man U/Portugal     70

3. Van Nistelrooy    Man U/Real M/Holland       56

4.  Henry                 Arsenal/Barcelona/France    50

5.  Shevchenko        D.kiev/Milan/Chelsea          48

6.  Inzaghi F.            Milan/Juventus/Italy            46

7.  Drogba                Marseille/Chelsea                43

8.  Del Piero             Juventus/Italy                      41

     Benzema              Lyon/RealM/France           41
     Ibrahimovic         Ajax/Milans/PSG etc          41

9.  Morientes             Real M/Liverpool etc         33

10. Etoo                     Barcelona/Inter etc             30

10. Kaka                    Real Madrid/Milan             30

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